Tw. In. Li. Xi. Yo.



Moderator with in-depth-knowledge in current affairs

As a moderator, I am a specialist in my subject areas. As a professional, I put my presence behind the task and think from the perspective of the audience sitting in front of me. I deliberately do it this way because people and their stories really interest me. That’s why I fight for my clients and their matter at hand, see myself as part of the team, translate complex issues and build bridges to the target groups as a moderator – in short: I do identify myself with the challenge. And the subject. But without an ego show.

Passion and ambition

Reading off questionnaires like a reporter or TV presenter? Sure, that’s always possible and part of the professional toolbox- but it’s not my aspiration. I prefer to dig into the details, trying to be as well prepared and as well versed in the subject like my interviewees. The added value of my on-stage-performance comes from that eye level-approach and a very individual personal substance – it´s more like a conversation than an interview in public.

Accompanied by an entertaining touch of dynamic during the conversation, I´m preparing a relaxed atmosphere for the interviewee – and an atmosphere for the audience, you like to stick with and listen to, because you can profit from the knowledge and the experience of the guests on stage. My passion and desire for quick-witted and light-footed dialogues with a sense of timing, paired with a substantial exchange of facts and talking to the heart of the matter. Meeting the expectations of the audience, keeping attention-level high – respecting their limited time: That makes the difference.

Flexibility in moderating, talking and interviewing

Reacting to unforeseen situations, even following up with ‘ big shots’ when they try to dodge specific questions, while keeping an eye on the time frame: That doesn’t cause stress because of that, it’s my favorite discipline. Whereby I prefer to promise less and do more.

More than 25 years of experience in Radio, TV and corporate communication

As a presenter, editor and correspondent, I have many years of experience in the media – with many interfaces and even more international perspectives.
At ARTE France in Paris as Editor-in-Chief of a weekly European program and as a Senior Capital correspondent on German national TV for RTL Nachtjournal. On the corporate side working as responsible press spokesperson for Ferrari and TetraPak. And working as reporter and moderator during the ramp-up of private radio network Radio RPR. All that is based on solid grounds, due to my journalistic-military training at a special operation unit of the German Armed Forces.

Feedback from guests, customers & partners:

Werner Hoyer


President, European Investment Bank (EIB) – I enjoyed the talk very much, not only because I had the…

opportunity to speak out and express my opinion, but above all because the talk lived up to its claim: to understand more and to form an opinion. This format invites you to achieve this!

Franziska Brantner


(MdB), Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Energy Transition and Member of the Bundestag – Jürgen Pfeiffer as moderator, gives the panelist a direction…

…in terms of content, which is important and necessary. On top of that he gives everyone the space to respond without interrupting them. In the end, it still works out that not everyone talks for 10 minutes, and that is quite pleasant.

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis


CEO, Hydrogen Europe – Jürgen Pfeiffer as a moderator always means for a panelist that you meet…

a discussion leader who is prepared in detail and who never loses sight of the big picture. If all moderations were run like this, we would be a considerable step further in terms of zero-emission mobility!

Dr. Klaus Bonhoff


Head of Policy Department, Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMVI) – Jürgen Pfeiffer is absolutely on par with our…

  guests from state and federal politics in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. With his committed manner, he creates an extremely dynamic discussion atmosphere, in which targeted follow-up questions and quick reactions repeatedly create entertaining moments – an absolute added value for this technically demanding topic! I was very pleased with the extremely positive feedback from both the panel guests and the audience – so I’d be happy to do it again at any time.

Prof. Dr. Peter F. Tropschuh


Head of Strategy Sustainability, AUDI AG – The Stakeholder Dialogue is an essential format for AUDI in the area of…

sustainability, as it embodies our interest in an honest and open exchange with stakeholders in politics and society. This makes it all the more important to find a politically experienced and substantively competent moderator for this sensitive exchange. After an extremely short lead time, Jürgen Pfeiffer was not only deeply involved in the topic, but above all he always found the right tone to pick up the guests of the event at eye level. As a result, he was able to ensure the constructive nature of the dialog with ease and nonchalance, even in the face of critical questions, without any losers. Each of the participants felt respected in his position and had his say. We will be very happy to work with Jürgen Pfeiffer again.

Wolfgang Kubicki


Vice President of the German Bundestag – I got to know Jürgen Pfeiffer as a politically very informed interviewer, who…

skillfully maneuvered the discussion group through the difficult topic and the evening. His moderation is characterized by in-depth expertise and pointed questions on the various topics. I enjoyed being part of this panel.

Prof. Dr. Henning Vöpel


Director, Centre for European Policy (CEP) – Jürgen Pfeiffer has a very pleasant interaction…

with his guests. He knows how to discuss controversial issues, but always remains friendly and charming. In this respect, he creates a very comfortable atmosphere in which people are also ready and willing to speak out very openly.

Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger


Former Federal Minister of Justice – For me, Jürgen Pfeiffer is the best informed and prepared moderator…

and questioner in a talk show that I have encountered so far – really impressive!

Joachim Bitterlich


Foreign, EU and Security Advisor, German Chancellor Dr. Helmut Kohl – I really enjoyed it. We were talking straight to…

the point with each other, as they say in good Yiddish. About where the real problems are and what has to happen. This was not a classic political talk!

Franz Fischler


Former EU Commissioner for Agriculture, Fisheries and Development – Tonight’s highlight was for me that it was possible…

to hold a differentiated discussion that was tremendously disciplined. Absolutely admirable! One can only be glad if this form of talk continues in the future.

Bernd Buchholz


(MdL), State Minister for Economics, Transport, Labor, Technology and Tourism, Schleswig-Holstein – Jürgen Pfeiffer is always super…

prepared, immerses himself in what he is asking and knows exactly where he wants to go. He is very focused on the topic – And that makes the difference: It’s not just about a talk show and nice answers, it’s really about the matter!

Dirk Wiese

Dirk Wiese

(MdB), Former Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Europe – I really enjoyed the format this evening, I found the…

discussions very open and good. When you are sitting on the podium and suddenly you hear the closing music, then you know that it was very entertaining and well moderated.

Ralf Stegner


Member of Bundestag (MdB), former State Chairman S-H and Deputy Federal Chairman (SPD) – That was an exciting round! Intellectually…

stimulating and people listened to each other, which is not always the case on television. I also found the line-up of guests more interesting than some of the other things I’ve seen. All in all, a controversial and fast exchange of arguments, in which one could form one’s own opinion very well.

Prof. Dr. Johannes Caspar


Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information – It was an exciting evening with…

an interesting discussion about a very complex topic that was exhausted in many areas. The information I got and the discussants had high level – that’s fun!

Prof. Karl-Heinz Paqué


Chairman of the Board, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom – Overall, it was a very factual debate, engaged…

but not polemical. I think we identified differences but also found essential points of consensus. I liked the moderation very much, humorous, confident and stimulating in every respect.

Klaus Ernst


(MdB), Deputy parliamentary group chairman (Die Linke) – It was lively and fair in terms of the moderation. And there were…

interesting interlocutors. Of course, we don’t always agree, but I think we also noticed where there is agreement and where there are differences. That was a lot of fun.

Heinrich Klingenberg


Former Managing Director, hySolutions GmbH – When politicians, entrepreneurs and representatives of…

…municipal institutions stand together on a stage, then a moderator needs above all three things: Fingerspitzengefühl, a good overview and not least something humor. Jürgen Pfeiffer eloquently led us through our event with these tools!

Dr. Jesco Kreft


Managing Director, Hamburg Foundation for Business Ethics
For business ethics evaluations, a detailed knowledge…

of facts and contexts is crucial. Steep theses, quick judgments or indignations for problem solutions are rather an obstacle. With Jürgen Pfeiffer we have had a moderator who, beyond show and vanity, did exactly what good moderation is all about: moderating through empathy, steering through knowledge and delivering results through analysis. Jürgen Pfeiffer creates a trustworthy and constructive discussion atmosphere, which brings even very different perspectives and interests into a factual and fair dialogue. Exactly the right moderator for difficult topics and opinionated people!

Uli Wachholtz


President, Entrepreneurs’ Association of Northern Germany (UV Nord) – I think Jürgen Pfeiffer is preparing extremely well…

and thinks his way into the topics and entrepreneurs with whom he discusses. There is a great deal of routine behind this that has been going on for years!

Thomas Volkmann


Head of Political Education, Friedrich Naumann Foundation – Jürgen Pfeiffer has a way of asking questions that…

motivates his guests to express, what they actually want to say – but wouldn’t say without Jürgen Pfeiffer.

Prof. Dr. Henning Klodt


Former Head of the Economic Policy Center, Kiel Institute for the World Economy – I´ve come to know Jürgen Pfeiffer as a very…

knowledgeable and confident moderator, who masters the principle of PPPPP: ‘Perfect preparation prevents poor performance’. His motivation and joy in his work are contagious.

Thomas Breuer


Head of Climate and Energy, Greenpeace e.V. – I particularly liked the fact that it actually succeeded in…

discussing the problem lines of the topic and the question of what are actually possible solutions.

Lorenz Caffier


(MdL), Former Minister of the Interior of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (CDU) – For me, the highlight was the lively and…

interested participation of so many people. This shows that citizens and companies are interested in Europe after all. The only question is how to address them and how to reach them: The talk seems to have succeeded quite well.

Feedbacks – Der Clip